Thursday, February 24, 2011
XXL 2011 Freshman Class
I think no one is more disappointed with XXL's pick this year than I am..I can say that I only have three out of the eleven rappers in my iTunes. #1 for me is CyHi the Prince..i'm def. happy for the rapper for getting on this cover and personal opinion Kendrick Lamar, who is my #2 should've been on since last year...but i'm not going to complain...and then the #3 is Diggy Simmons. The other 8 rappers could've and should've been replaced with other people like Carlos St. John, Starrs & Murph, WordSpit (who needs to get signed-smh) & my dude Kale Dreamz(people are sleeping on him)...if Donnis & Blu and Exile were on their past covers I would probably be going off right about now BUT i'll slow it down a bit...who is this base God character like really? Big Krit, etc -____- this was my face when I saw this...I'll let you all have your own opinions on this...