Saturday, February 19, 2011
Hottie of the Week: Janet Tam
Janet aka Claark Kent is like my #1 female crush. I've known my "asian cuisine" since high school when we were forced to wear those hideous out of style plaid green skirts. I remember how we never exchanged words until Junior year and it as like "love at first sight" our friendship has been consistent and fun ever since. We've already planned half of our life together after i graduate LOL. Reasons why i love my little "asian cuisine":
1. Shes the hottest asian I have ever met
2. Her style is unique just like mine (we love shoulder pads)
3. She's smarter than she thinks
4. I dont come across a lot of females who are artistic like she is
5. She has such a huge heart..and is so full of love how can you not love her back
Both of our love for animals is going to have our apartment looking like a mini animal farm lol, you just wait & see