Thursday, February 17, 2011
announcement:Whats Been Going On
So I know its been a while. Some of you guys already know why and some of you may not. Thanks for all of the support you guys, I really appreciate it...on a brighter note after this weekend I'll be going back to my regular old self posting every day(more or less). Also my cousin, Naomi spoke to me the other night and told me she was 5 months pregnant..soo CONGRATS, but even a bigger congrats since she asked me to be the baby's godmother :) so registry lists & baby shower planning is going to be taking up most of my time, besides my artwork of course. AND yes the rumors that you guys have been hearing are true. I will be holding my first art exhibition soon in collaboration with my friend, Illustrator,Waun Daun, who you guys have seen earlier on the site. Stay tuned I'll be keeping you guys posted on alot of stuff going on in the next few weeks